The GPC News


Information Request/Order Form

If you would like to discuss your order with SPEC, please contact Kathy Powers: Tel: 703-331-0180, Fax: 703-331-0181, e-mail:

Please send my order to:





City State Zip Code

Country Postal Code

Telephone FAX


Viewperf and the Xmark93 script may be obtained by anonymous ftp.

I would like to order the following products/issues (please enter quantities):

GPC Group Sustaining Membership Information (Complimentary)

GPC Group Non-Profit Membership Information (Complimentary)

PEXlib Port of Picture-Level Benchmark -- $300
The PEXlib Port of Picture-Level benchmark can also be obtained via anonymous ftp

OpenGL Port of Picture-Level Benchmark -- $300
The OpenGL Port of Picture-Level benchmark can also be obtained via anonymous ftp

The GPC Group no longer publishes current paper issues of the GPC News. The following past issues can still be ordered:

Q4'97 -- $50
Q3'97 -- $50
Q2'97 -- $50
Q1'97 -- $50
Q4'96 -- $50
Q3'96 -- $50
Q2'96 -- $50
Q1'96 -- $50
Q4'95 -- $50
Q3'95 -- $50
Q2'95 -- $50
Q1'95 -- $50
Q4'94 -- $50
Q3'94 -- $50
Q2'94 -- $50
Q1'94 -- $50
Q4'93 -- $25
Q3'93 -- $25
Q2'93 -- $25
Q1'93 -- $25
Q4'92 -- $10
Q3'92 -- $10
Q2'92 -- $10
Q1'92 -- $10
Q4'91 -- $10
Spring 1991 issue: Complimentary
Summer 1991 issue: Complimentary