New version of SPECviewperf -- The SPEC Graphics Performance Characterization Group (SPECgpc) has released an updated version of its SPECviewperf benchmark that features a new Autodesk 3ds Max viewset, Microsoft Windows 10 support, and GUI and reporting improvements. Read more...
Is that benchmark leather or pleather? -- Just one of the recent posts on the art and mechanics of 3D graphics and workstation benchmarking. Check out all five in the series.
Join the graphics and workstation benchmarking group -- SPEC/GWPG has started a new LinkedIn group appropriately called the Graphics and Workstation Benchmarking group. It is intended to be an open forum for performance evaluation news and views. Join the group and be part of the discussion.
Free benchmark downloads -- Almost all SPEC/GWPG benchmarks are available for free download to those who are not computer vendors, suppliers or service providers.
Members: AMD, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Intel, Lenovo, NVIDIA, VMware

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