
The source for performance results that fit
A series of LinkedIn Pulse articles shows how you can use SPEC/GWPG benchmark results on the SPEC website to get graphics and workstation performance information that is tailored to your specific needs. The three articles in the series include:
- Inside SPECapc numbers -- Find out how to use SPECapc website results to evaluate workstation performance for popular professional applications such as Autodesk 3ds Max, PTC Creo, Dassault Systemes SolidWorks, and Siemens NX.
- Inside SPECwpc numbers -- Discover how to use SPECwpc website results to evaluate total workstation performance across a range of popular professional applications, including media and entertainment, product development, life sciences, financial services, energy, and general operations.
- Inside SPECviewperf numbers -- Learn how to use SPECviewperf website results for graphics performance evaluation based on design & manufacturing, media & entertainment, energy, and medical applications.
Check out all 10 articles on LinkedIn Pulse to find out more about the art and mechanics of 3D graphics and workstation benchmarking.
Free benchmark downloads -- Just a reminder that SPEC/GWPG benchmarks -- the worldwide standards for performance evaluation based on professional applications -- are available for free to those who are not computer vendors, suppliers or service providers. Visit our new, easy-to-use download page and start benchmarking!
Join the graphics and workstation benchmarking group -- Lots of news, views and products are on tap for 2017. Join our LinkedIn group and be among the first to know.
Members: AMD, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Intel, Lenovo, NVIDIA

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