SPECviewperf 13 is live!
Major new version features volume visualization viewsets for energy and medical applications, radically new shaders, and updated viewsets
SPECviewperf 13 is available to users for free downloading. Vendors of computer products and services that are not members of the SPEC Graphics and Workstation Performance Group (SPEC/GWPG) are required to pay a $2,500 licensing fee.
See and read more about SPECviewperf 13
- Watch a brief one-and-a-half minute video.
- Find out more about the all-new energy (oil & gas) and medical viewsets.
- Dive more deeply into how two new viewsets for Creo and Maya were developed.
Check out more articles on LinkedIn Pulse to learn about the art, mechanics and people behind professional 3D graphics and workstation benchmarking.
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Want to get recognition for contributing to the graphics and workstation performance community? We're always hungry for models and workloads representative of real user work. Contact us if you can help.
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Members: AMD, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Intel, Lenovo, NVIDIA

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