The GPC Organization

The following organizations are participants in projects under the GPC umbrella:

GPC = member of the GPC Group
PLB = participant in the Picture-Level Benchmark project
XPC = participant in the X Performance Characterization project
OPC = participant in the OpenGL Performance Characterization project

Sustaining Members

3Dlabs OPC Chris Harris (44)178-447-6625 ACCEL Graphics GPC, OPC Fred Fisher 408-467-5018 Digital Equipment Corp. GPC, OPC, PLB, XPC Bill Licea-Kane (GPC/PLB/XPC) 603-881-2804 John Dennis (OPC) 508-493-3169 ELSA GmbH OPC Peter Wieninger 49 0 241 9177 0 Evans & Sutherland GPC, OPC Tim Powell (GPC/PLB) 801-582-5847 Todd Frazier (OPC) 801-588-7984 Fujitsu GPC, OPC, PLB, XPC Susan Hunts 408-456-7717 Hewlett-Packard GPC, OPC, PLB, XPC Paul Martin(GPC, OPC, PLB, XPC) 970-229-2368 Tom Fisher(GPC, OPC, PLB, XPC) 970-229-6570 IBM GPC, OPC, PLB, XPC Rob Putney 512-838-3639 Intel GPC, OPC Gene Munce 408-765-4810 Intergraph OPC Dale Kirkland 205-730-6085 Lockheed Martin/Real 3D GPC, OPC Steve Cochran 407-826-6764 Megatek GPC, OPC, PLB Allan Frankel (GPC/PLB) 619-675-4000 Henri Warren (OPC) 619-675-4000 Microsoft OPC Hock Lee 206-936-8649 San Diego Supercomputer Center GPC Michael Bailey 619-534-5142

Silicon Graphics GPC, OPC David Ligon (GPC/OPC) 415-390-3502 John Spitzer (GPC/OPC) 415-933-4760 Sun Microsystems GPC, OPC, PLB, XPC Prasad Wagle (GPC/PLB) 415-786-6681 David Leigh (GPC/PLB/XPC) 415-786-6695 Kevin Rushforth(GPC/OPC/PLB/XPC)415-786-6267 Non-Profit Members

UNC-Chapel Hill All Projects Anselmo Lastra 919-962-1958

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