Author Topic: UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available  (Read 68454 times)


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UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:05:16 PM »
The members of SPEC's Virtualization Subcommittee are pleased to announce the availability of an ExampleVM environment for the SPECvirt_sc2013 benchmark.  This ExampleVM environment includes documentation and scripts to help configure the six virtual machines needed in a SPECvirt_sc2013 tile as well as a client virtual machine.  Even if the configuration is not exactly the same as one your are trying to set up, having a working example for comparison is a valuable tool to aid you in setting up your own environment.

Attached to this message you will find three files.  Start with the html document SPECvirt_sc2013-ExampleVM-Setup-Guide-v1.04.html and it will tell you how to use the other two files.

The versions of software referenced in the SPECvirt_sc2013-ExampleVM-Setup-Guide-v1.04.html document represent a known working combination of software and are used to build a working environment for example purposes only. SPEC does not endorse the software used in this example and the fact that these versions are used in this document does not mean they would be compliant for submitting an official SPECvirt_sc2013 result. Please consult the SPECvirt_sc2013 Run and Reporting Rules to check on software version compliance.

We hope you find this ExampleVM environment useful.

The members of SPEC's Virtualization Subcommittee

NOTE:  The scripts below have been updated.  If you have previously downloaded the 1.00, 1.01, 1.02, or 1.03 versions of the ExampleVM documentation and scripts you will want to download and use the new 1.04 versions.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 10:28:51 AM by lroderic »


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Re: NEW!! ExampleVM scripts and documentation now available
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2015, 06:59:12 AM »
why this document not contain Multiple  tile? if i want to set up new tile (VM + client),what can i do?please provide extra scripts and document.Thanks!
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 07:20:53 AM by bluesky_129 »


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Re: NEW!! ExampleVM scripts and documentation now available
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2015, 01:40:57 PM »
Thanks for this feedback. We're working on it now, so look for a reply here in the next day or so.



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Re: NEW!! ExampleVM scripts and documentation now available
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2015, 02:28:18 AM »
Thanks for your reply!  the next day ? er...But three days have passed.


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Re: NEW!! ExampleVM scripts and documentation now available
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2015, 04:33:45 AM »
If you have the 1st tile configured and are able to do a complete successful run, to add a tile I recommend that you clone the VMs of the 1st tile; then update IP addresses for the new tile's VMs.

As mentioned in the section 2.3 of the User Guide at, you will have to run wafgen with appropriate TILEINDEX for each tile.

Update to example document and scripts may be delayed depending on support availability. The benchmark design document and user guides have all the information to setup and run the benchmark. The example document and scripts is to just help you setup the 1st tile to understand the benchmark design, setup steps, config, and result. If you have any specific issue getting the 2nd tile to work, please do not hesitate to start a new forum post.

Thank you for your patience.


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Re: NEW!! ExampleVM scripts and documentation now available
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2015, 02:25:28 PM »
      The script documentation states that the goal of the scripts is to set up a single tile. We're glad to hear you were successful. I considered writing a script to automate this, but since you're in a hurry, we wrote up the steps instead.

      To clone a tile, you need to do the following.
      • Change the hostname (/etc/sysconfig/network) and IP addresses (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-eth1).
      • Delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules if it exists.
      • Edit the hosts file (/etc/hosts) to reflect the new hostname and IP addresses.
      • Reboot the VM. Log in and make sure you can ping other VMs.

      Extra for appserver:
      • Edit the hosts file (/etc/hosts) to make sure that the alias specdb points to the correct dbserver (up to four appservers for each dbserver). That is, the specdb alias for appserver1-4 points to dbserver1-int. The specdb alias for appserver5-8 points to dbserver2-int.

      Extra for infraserver:
      • Edit /etc/exports to change the tile number for webserver.

      Extra for webserver:
      • Edit /etc/fstab to change the tile number for infraserver. (You may want to use a VM internal network for this mount if available.)
      • Make sure that the support/downloads directory is mounted from the infraserver VM via NFS.
      • Go to the /opt/SPECweb2005/wafgen directory and edit the support wafgen files to set the TILEINDEX value for the tile you are creating:
      • Edit /opt/SPECweb2005/wafgen/unix/support_downloads_props.rc and set the parameter TILEINDEX equal to the tile number minus 1 (for example, set TILEINDEX=1 for tile 2).
      • Edit /opt/SPECweb2005/wafgen/unix/support_image_props.rc and set the parameter TILEINDEX equal to the tile number minus 1 (for example, set TILEINDEX=1 for tile 2)
      • Build the image files: ./Wafgen unix/support_image_props.rc
      • Build the support files: ./Wafgen unix/support_downloads_props.rc


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Re: UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2015, 04:41:36 AM »
The Dovecot Download link ( in the Setup Guide isn't valid any more because the Server is down.
As a workaround I used


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Re: UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2015, 01:18:04 PM »
Thanks for letting us know.


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Re: UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2016, 02:10:34 AM »
As far as I can tell, mod_fastcgi is no longer under active development or maintenance.  All the links for it in the documentation are broken.  Can we expect changes to the example VM setup for mod_proxy_fcgi?


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Re: UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2016, 12:14:37 PM »
We provide mod_fastcgi with the SPECvirt kit under SPECweb2005/BeSim/fcgi-2.4.0.

We'll correct the documentation.


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Re: UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2016, 02:06:49 PM »
A suggestion:

For all the steps in SPECvirt_sc2013-ExampleVM-Setup-Guide-v1.02.html before 3.0 Workload VM Setup, make it clear whether they are done on the host or the guest template, or both.


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Re: UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2016, 02:31:05 PM »
Will do. Thanks for this.


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Re: UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2016, 07:02:16 PM »
Tom could you please clarify:

>A suggestion:
>For all the steps in SPECvirt_sc2013-ExampleVM-Setup-Guide-v1.02.html before 3.0 Workload VM Setup,
>make it clear whether they are done on the host or the guest template, or both.

The only things you need to do on the host are create a CentOS/RHEL VM and then clone it. Did you mean to be explicit with these two steps?



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Re: UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2016, 04:46:35 PM »
Lisa --

For example I was not clear in 2.2 whether the SPECvirt_sc2013 kit itself had to be installed on the host and VMs or only on the VMs.  I guess in the beginning I did not know the client was also going to be a VM so maybe that answers my question.

-- Tom

Tom could you please clarify:

>A suggestion:
>For all the steps in SPECvirt_sc2013-ExampleVM-Setup-Guide-v1.02.html before 3.0 Workload VM Setup,
>make it clear whether they are done on the host or the guest template, or both.

The only things you need to do on the host are create a CentOS/RHEL VM and then clone it. Did you mean to be explicit with these two steps?



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Re: UPDATED: ExampleVM scripts and documentation available
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2016, 04:49:12 PM »
A beginner's question.

When setting things up for tile 2, I might want to try one workload at a time but run that workload in both tile 1 and tile 2.  Is it legal to set up Control.config with NUM_TILES=2 and NUM_WORKLOADS=1?

-- Tom