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SPECvirt_sc2013 / Re: db2 table and colume name
« Last post by haliasa on March 08, 2022, 07:09:26 AM »
First, specify the name of the table to which you want to add the new column in the ALTER TABLE clause. Second, specify the new column including name, data type, and column constraint in the ADD COLUMN clause
I also encountered the "APPEND"error when configuring mailServer by Example VM Setup Guide,The official solution is:
BAD Error in IMAP command APPEND:
Invalid arguments
A. This usually occurs when the SPECimap/IMAP*.config files are in DOS format instead of UNIX format. Edit the config files with vi and do the following to convert to UNIX format:
:set ff=unix

but i not find the IMAP*.config,so i change the system  language to "en_us:UTF-8",and try set all file ff=unix,still have this error

what can i do to slove it

nohup.out  :
2022-03-02 19:39:37:155 message initialization called by thread Thread-15
2022-03-02 19:39:37:156 LoadGenerator: Threads started, test in progress...
2022-03-02 19:39:37:157 Thread-15 has userMin = 126 and userMax = 250
2022-03-02 19:39:37:157 EVENT: Initializing messages for user: test126
2022-03-02 19:39:37:157 specimapclient: Waiting for threads...
2022-03-02 19:39:37:156 EVENT: Initializing messages for user: test1
2022-03-02 19:39:37:156 message initialization called by thread Thread-16
2022-03-02 19:39:37:157 Thread-16 has userMin = 251 and userMax = 375
2022-03-02 19:39:37:157 EVENT: Initializing messages for user: test251
2022-03-02 19:39:37:157 message initialization called by thread Thread-17
2022-03-02 19:39:37:158 Thread-17 has userMin = 376 and userMax = 500
2022-03-02 19:39:37:158 EVENT: Initializing messages for user: test376
2022-03-02 19:39:39:580 Warning: ImapMessageInitEventScheduler "APPEND" (message) received error:test251t3 BAD Error in IMAP command APPEND: Invalid arguments.
2022-03-02 19:39:39:581 test251 level(0)folder("INBOX" -- Received FATAL ERROR during appendMessage
2022-03-02 19:39:39:582 ********************************************************************************************
2022-03-02 19:39:39:582 ********************************************************************************************
2022-03-02 19:39:39:583
2022-03-02 19:39:39:583 ERROR Loading mailstore!!  Mailstore is not complete and will not work for SPECvirt-imap runs.
2022-03-02 19:39:39:583
2022-03-02 19:39:39:584 ********************************************************************************************
2022-03-02 19:39:39:584 ********************************************************************************************
2022-03-02 19:39:40:274 Warning: ImapMessageInitEventScheduler "APPEND" (message) received error:test126t3 BAD Error in IMAP command APPEND: Invalid arguments.
2022-03-02 19:39:40:274 test126 level(0)folder("INBOX" -- Received FATAL ERROR during appendMessage
SPECvirt_sc2013 / Re: Errors on workload SPECvirt WEB with cipher.
« Last post by Gamble69 on March 02, 2022, 05:20:22 AM »
[Add SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 to the jdk.tls.legacyAlgorithms list in the $JDK_HOME/jre/lib/security/ file.
SPECvirt_sc2013 / Re: Three tiles running problems (RMI)
« Last post by Brakus on March 02, 2022, 04:59:34 AM »
BindException could mean GlassFish is trying to start on an incorrect host IP address, or the port 7676 is actually already in use.

Before running " ./ start", you can check "netstat -an|grep 7676" to see if the port is already in use. If it is, try rebooting the appserver2 VM and recheck.

However, I am suspecting that the tile2 appserver2 /etc/hosts may be missing "appserver" or may be mapped to incorrect IP. Please ensure both appserver2 and appserver point to the same IP.

SPECvirt_sc2013 / Re: problems running three tiles (RMI)
« Last post by Gamble69 on February 23, 2022, 06:08:05 AM »
I am currently trying to run with 3 tiles, each tile being driven from its own unique client VM.  I have yet to get a successful 3-tile run.  My problem is probably with the sequence of steps preparing things before the run.  Can someone post what the recommended procedure is?

For example, I noticed that if I used the Control.config that came with the Example VM scripts, then I see being run simultaneously from each of the appservers so we have 3 appservers all trying to do a db restore at the same time, which seemed clearly wrong.  I have commented out the PRIME_HOST_INIT_SCRIPT
  • section from Control.config and am trying to do the Inits from my own script before the run.

When I have completed my initialization I tend to check the following for x=1,2,3
   * http://webserverx/Support
   * http://appserverx:8000/SPECjAppServer/app?action=atomicityTests/
and these always look fine
However, during the run something usually fails, for example

For a three-tile run would the following init sequence be correct?

  • for appserver1 (restores dbserver1)
  • for appserver2, 3 (without restore) (Can these all be run concurrently?)
  • for each of mailserver 1,2,3 (assume all can be concurrent)
  • for each of webserver 1,2,3  (assume all can be concurrent)
  • for each of batchserver 1,2,3  (assume all can be concurrent)
  • Do all VMs need to be rebooted before each run?

I recall the problem you are running into has to do with RMI naming lookup/resolution not matching what it thinks the local hostname is.
What mail server are you using?  (dovecot?)

Are you running the and commands from the mailserver VM?

What is the mailserver hostname defined as, and does your /etc/hosts have both "localhost" entry and "mailserver<tile#>" entries?  If so can you provide those here, please?


This is because the dovecot mailserver will be overloaded initially, as it needs to create various indices, search histories, etc, as the emulated users perform various operations.
SPECvirt_sc2013 / Re: Web Server QoS Errors
« Last post by Vargas69 on February 04, 2022, 03:55:00 AM »
When I ran 4 tiles, I can have a good result; but when I run 6 tiles, the QoS of webserver4,webserver5,webserver6 cannot pass:
Run 1
Tile 4
Web Server Errors:
Iteration 1 failed 95% TIME GOOD QoS. Achieved: 90.1%
Iteration 1 failed 99% TIME TOLERABLE QoS. Achieved: 96.9%
Tile 5
Web Server Errors:
Iteration 1 failed 95% TIME GOOD QoS. Achieved: 90.4%
Iteration 1 failed 99% TIME TOLERABLE QoS. Achieved: 97.1%
Tile 6
Web Server Errors:
Iteration 1 failed 95% TIME GOOD QoS. Achieved: 89.8%
Iteration 1 failed 99% TIME TOLERABLE QoS. Achieved: 97.0%

I am confused about
web servers require threads and processes to serve HTTP requests. Each TCP connection to the web server occupies one of these threads respectively processes.
SPECvirt_sc2013 / Re: run failed with was/db2
« Last post by jacobhue on January 20, 2022, 09:02:54 AM »
If you get a run failed with was/db2 message, it means WebSphere Application Server (WAS) or DB2 cannot run the JVM on your computer.

If you are running IBM DB2, WAS requires at least version 6.1 of DB2.

If you are running Oracle, WAS requires at least version 10.2 of Oracle.

The WAS version number can be found in the output of the command "wasadmin list" on the default port.
SPECvirt_sc2013 / Re: Errors on workload SPECvirt WEB with cipher.
« Last post by jacobhue on January 20, 2022, 09:00:15 AM »
The SPECvirt_sc2013_User'sGuide.pdf is complete documentation for the benchmark. It has been generated from the source in DocBook XML format (using DITA, a technique that allows topic-oriented writing). It looks like a typical printed book and it provides much more information than you find in this document or in any of the other documents on this website. You can download it as a single large file or as separate chapters.

The website also contains a wide variety of other documents. The most important ones are:

About_SPECvirt_sc2013 : This document explains what SPECvirt is, who uses it, and how to get started using it.

Keywords : A list of all keywords used in all the documents so that you can search for them easily.

Benchmark_Configuration_Reference : A detailed description of all benchmark settings and results, including explanations of all fields in the benchmark submission form and their possible values.

Benchmark_Reference : An introduction to running and analyzing benchmark results; a guide for beginners if you will, but also useful for experts who want to know more about SPECvirt in general.
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