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SPECint95 | 5.05 |
SPECint_base95 | 4.95 |
Benchmark # and Name | Reference Time | Base Run Time | Base SPEC Ratio | Peak Run Time | Peak SPEC Ratio |
099.go | 4600 | 896 | 5.13 | 802 | 5.74 |
124.m88ksim | 1900 | 424 | 4.48 | 405 | 4.69 |
126.gcc | 1700 | 352 | 4.83 | 351 | 4.84 |
129.compress | 1800 | 344 | 5.23 | 382 | 4.71 | | 1900 | 368 | 5.16 | 360 | 5.28 |
132.ijpeg | 2400 | 491 | 4.89 | 492 | 4.88 |
134.perl | 1900 | 312 | 6.08 | 293 | 6.48 |
147.vortex | 2700 | 666 | 4.05 | 650 | 4.16 |
SPECint_base95 | 4.95 | ||||
SPECint95 | 5.05 |
Tester Information:
SPEC License #: | 22 |
Tested By: | Pyramid San Jose, CA |
Test Date: | Jun-96 |
Hardware Avail: | Dec-96 |
Software Avail: | Oct-96 |
Hardware Information:
Model Name: | Reliant RM1000 |
CPU: | R4400 120/240 MHz |
FPU: | Integrated |
Number of CPU(s): | 1 |
Primary Cache: | 16KBI+16KBD on chip |
Secondary Cache: | 4MB(I+D) off chip |
Other Cache: | None |
Memory: | 512MB |
Disk Subsystem: | 1 x 4.0 GB |
Other Hardware: | None |
Software Information:
Operating System: | ReliantUNIX-M 5.43 B007 |
Compiler: | Pyramid C Compiler V4.0A20 |
File System: | rxfs |
System State: | Single User |
Pass1: -qfeedback Pass2: -WM,-Oall Base: -WM,-Oall -dn -WM,-G32 Peak: 099.go: -WM,-Oall -dn -Wo,-loopunroll,8 -Wo,-unrolllimit,2000 -Wg,-Olimit,400 -WM,-G1799 124.m88ksim: -WM,-Oall -dn -WM,-G4000 -Wg,-Olimit,400 126.gcc: -WM,-Oall -dn -WM,-G44 129.compress: -WM,-Oall -dn -WM,-G32 -WM,-G4000 -Wo,-loopunroll,4 -WM,-Oall -dn -Wo,-loopunroll,4 -Wo,-unrolllimit,1000 -Wg,-Olimit,1500 -WM,-G4000 132.ijpeg: -WM,-Oall -dn -WM,-G4000 134.perl: -WM,-Oall -dn -Wo,-loopunroll,4 -Wo,-unrolllimit,500 -WM,-G100 147.vortex: -WM,-Oall -dn -Wo,-loopunroll,4 -Wo,-unrolllimit,1000 -WM,-G46 -Wg,-Olimit,200
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