For Bull's Specint95 submissions using the Motorola C Compiler version 4.0 Compiler flags: -Adiag=0 Do not produce any warning messages; does not affect generated code or optimization level. -O3 Standard level of automatic optimization (equivalent to -O). -O4 Highest standard level of automatic optimization. -Alias=ansi Use ANSI C aliasing rules. -Aunroll=0 Do not automatically unroll any loops. -Aunroll=1 Perform loop unrolling under automatic control. -Aunroll=n Perform loop unrolling for every possible loop and unroll them the number of times specified by n. -Ainline / -Ainllev=n: Inline based on a heuristic of the code sizes of the procedures. There are several levels which may be specified (n), from 0 which inlines nothing, to 5 which inlines almost everything. The default level is 1, which inlines small functions (-Ainline). -Adatalocal Optimize use of TOC (Table Of Contents) data section. For certain global scalar and pointer variables, place the actual data value in the TOC instead of the address of the data. -Aproclocal Assert that procedure calls will not require a change of TOC pointer; used to optimize the code sequence generated for procedure calls through function pointers. Typically used in conjunction with -bnso (static binding) linker flag. -Adefer Defer the compilation of source files until the link command line is encountered, at which time all source file names are simultaneously presented to the compiler for concurrent compilation. -Apdf=1+filename Instrument for PDF (Profile Driven Feedback) and write the output of the resulting training run to "filename" -Apdf=2+filename Use "filename" to read an execution profile and optimize the program code layout for instruction cache usage. -Ainline=%pdfMMM/NNN+filename Use profile information to decide what functions to inline. MMM is the callee profile ratio, NNN is the caller profile Ratio, and "filename" is the file to read the execution profile. Linker options: -bnso -bI:/lib/syscalls.exp Standard AIX linker options for specifying non-shared, static binding of the executable and libraries. -c1 Direct linker to optimize program code layout for instruction cache usage. Portability options: -DI_TIME This option defines I_TIME. -DI_SYS_TIME This option defines I_SYS_TIME.