SPEC® CFP2006 Result

Copyright 2006-2014 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

IBM Corporation

IBM Power 730 Express (4.2 GHz, 16 core)

CPU2006 license: 11 Test date: Jan-2013
Test sponsor: IBM Corporation Hardware Availability: Feb-2013
Tested by: IBM Corporation Software Availability: Feb-2013
Benchmark results graph
CPU Characteristics: Intelligent Energy Optimization enabled,
up to 4.540 GHz
CPU MHz: 4228
FPU: Integrated
CPU(s) enabled: 16 cores, 2 chips, 8 cores/chip, 4 threads/core
CPU(s) orderable: 8, 16 cores
Primary Cache: 32 KB I + 32 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 256 KB I+D on chip per core
L3 Cache: 10 MB I+D on chip per core
Other Cache: None
Memory: 128 GB (16 x 8 GB) DDR3 1066 MHz
Disk Subsystem: 2 x 177 GB Raid0 SFF-1 SSD
Other Hardware: None
Operating System: IBM AIX V7.1
Compiler: C/C++: Version 12.1 of IBM XL C/C++ for AIX;
Fortran: Version 14.1 of IBM XL Fortran for AIX
Auto Parallel: No
File System: AIX/JFS2
System State: Multi-user
Base Pointers: 32-bit
Peak Pointers: 32/64-bit
Other Software: None

Results Table

Benchmark Base Peak
Copies Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Copies Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio Seconds Ratio
Results appear in the order in which they were run. Bold underlined text indicates a median measurement.
410.bwaves 64 2221 392 2223 391 2222 391 16 496 438 497 438 496 438
416.gamess 64 2106 595 2114 593 2102 596 64 2027 618 2031 617 2030 617
433.milc 64 1561 376 1560 377 1560 377 16 371 396 372 395 371 395
434.zeusmp 64 949 614 937 621 945 616 64 894 651 901 647 903 645
435.gromacs 64 879 520 891 513 892 512 64 734 623 734 623 733 624
436.cactusADM 64 1235 620 1238 618 1238 618 16 192 996 192 995 192 995
437.leslie3d 64 2298 262 2297 262 2301 261 16 475 317 475 317 475 317
444.namd 64 663 774 662 775 667 770 64 645 796 648 792 645 796
447.dealII 64 580 1260 581 1260 579 1260 64 578 1270 581 1260 580 1260
450.soplex 64 1723 310 1719 311 1718 311 16 363 367 362 369 365 365
453.povray 64 534 638 542 629 532 640 64 386 882 387 880 389 875
454.calculix 64 853 619 856 616 858 615 64 794 665 792 666 794 665
459.GemsFDTD 64 3165 215 3165 215 3164 215 32 1524 223 1524 223 1523 223
465.tonto 64 898 701 894 704 900 699 64 792 795 796 792 791 796
470.lbm 64 3849 228 3849 228 3850 228 16 395 557 396 556 396 555
481.wrf 64 1443 496 1444 495 1438 497 16 375 477 344 519 349 513
482.sphinx3 64 2733 456 2724 458 2724 458 16 354 880 353 884 353 883

Compiler Invocation Notes

 C/C++ compiler updated to November 2012 PTF
       Version: 12.01.0000.0002
 Fortran compiler updated to November 2012 PTF
       Version: 14.01.0000.0002

Peak Tuning Notes

 416.gamess fdpr options: -O4 -cbpth -1 -sdp -1
 433.milc fdpr options: -O4 -nodp
 435.gromacs fdpr options: -O
 436.cactusADM fdpr options: -O3 -lu -1 -nodp -sdp 9
 437.leslie3d fdpr options: -O3
 450.soplex fdpr options: -O4 -nodp
 453.povray fdpr options: -O3 -cbpth -1
 459.GemsFDTD fdpr options: -O3 -cbpth -1
 465.tonto fdpr options: -O4
 482.sphinx3 fdpr options: -O4 -rcctf 0 -sdp 9 -vrox

Submit Notes

 The config file option 'submit' was used
 to assign benchmark copy to specific kernel thread using
 the "bindprocessor" command (see flags file for details).

Operating System Notes

 AIX updated to V7.1 TL 2 SP2

 All ulimits set to unlimited.

 6400 16M large pages defined with vmo command

General Notes

Environment variables set by runspec before the start of the run:
XLFRTEOPTS = "intrinthds=1"

Base Compiler Invocation

C benchmarks:

 /usr/vac/bin/xlc   -qlanglvl=extc99 

C++ benchmarks:


Fortran benchmarks:


Benchmarks using both Fortran and C:

 /usr/vac/bin/xlc   -qlanglvl=extc99   /usr/bin/xlf95 

Base Portability Flags

410.bwaves:  -qfixed 
416.gamess:  -qfixed 
434.zeusmp:  -qfixed 
435.gromacs:  -qfixed   -qextname 
436.cactusADM:  -qfixed   -qextname 
437.leslie3d:  -qfixed 
454.calculix:  -qfixed   -qextname 
482.sphinx3:  -qchars=signed 

Base Optimization Flags

C benchmarks:

 -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x40000000   -qlargepage   -O5   -D_ILS_MACROS   -blpdata 

C++ benchmarks:

 -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x50000000   -qlargepage   -O5   -qsimd   -qvecnvol   -D_ILS_MACROS   -qrtti=all   -D__IBM_FAST_VECTOR   -D__IBM_FAST_SET_MAP_ITERATOR   -blpdata 

Fortran benchmarks:

 -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x60000000   -qlargepage   -O5   -qsmallstack=dynlenonheap   -qalias=nostd   -blpdata 

Benchmarks using both Fortran and C:

 -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x60000000   -qlargepage   -O5   -D_ILS_MACROS   -qsmallstack=dynlenonheap   -qalias=nostd   -blpdata 

Base Other Flags

C benchmarks:

 -qipa=noobject   -qsuppress=1500-036 

C++ benchmarks:

 -qipa=noobject   -qsuppress=1500-036 

Fortran benchmarks:

 -qipa=noobject   -qsuppress=1500-010   -qsuppress=cmpmsg   -qsuppress=1500-036 

Benchmarks using both Fortran and C:

 -qipa=noobject   -qsuppress=1500-010   -qsuppress=cmpmsg   -qsuppress=1500-036 

Peak Compiler Invocation

C benchmarks:

 /usr/vac/bin/xlc   -qlanglvl=extc99 

C++ benchmarks:


Fortran benchmarks:


Benchmarks using both Fortran and C:

 /usr/vac/bin/xlc   -qlanglvl=extc99   /usr/bin/xlf95 

Peak Portability Flags

410.bwaves:  -qfixed 
416.gamess:  -qfixed 
434.zeusmp:  -qfixed 
435.gromacs:  -qfixed   -qextname 
436.cactusADM:  -qfixed   -qextname 
437.leslie3d:  -qfixed 
454.calculix:  -qfixed   -qextname 
482.sphinx3:  -qchars=signed 

Peak Optimization Flags

C benchmarks:

433.milc:  -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x40000000   -O5   -qlargepage   -D_ILS_MACROS   -qalign=natural   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
470.lbm:  -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x30000000   -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O5   -D_ILS_MACROS   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
482.sphinx3:  -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O5   -qlargepage   -D_ILS_MACROS   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 

C++ benchmarks:

444.namd:  -qipa=threads   -O4   -q64   -qlargepage   -D_ILS_MACROS   -D__IBM_FAST_VECTOR   -D__IBM_FAST_SET_MAP_ITERATOR   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
447.dealII:  -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x50000000   -O5   -qsimd   -qvecnvol   -D_ILS_MACROS   -qrtti=all   -D__IBM_FAST_VECTOR   -D__IBM_FAST_SET_MAP_ITERATOR   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
450.soplex:  -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x40000000   -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O3   -qarch=auto   -qtune=auto   -D_ILS_MACROS   -D__IBM_FAST_VECTOR   -D__IBM_FAST_SET_MAP_ITERATOR   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
453.povray:  -qipa=threads   -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O4   -qsimd   -qvecnvol   -qlargepage   -D_ILS_MACROS   -qalign=natural   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 

Fortran benchmarks:

410.bwaves:  -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x50000000   -O5   -qlargepage   -qsmallstack=dynlenonheap   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
416.gamess:  -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x40000000   -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O5   -qarch=pwr5   -qlargepage   -qalias=nostd   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
434.zeusmp:  -bmaxdata:0x40000000   -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O3   -qarch=auto   -qtune=auto   -qlargepage   -qxlf90=nosignedzero   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
437.leslie3d:  -qipa=threads   -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O5   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
459.GemsFDTD:  -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O4   -q64   -qlargepage   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
465.tonto:  -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x50000000   -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O5   -qsimd   -qvecnvol   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 

Benchmarks using both Fortran and C:

435.gromacs:  -qipa=threads   -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O5   -D_ILS_MACROS   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
436.cactusADM:  -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x60000000   -O4   -qsimd   -qvecnvol   -D_ILS_MACROS   -qnostrict   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
454.calculix:  -qipa=threads   -qpdf1(pass 1)   -qpdf2(pass 2)   -O5   -qsimd   -qvecnvol   -qlargepage   -D_ILS_MACROS   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 
481.wrf:  -qipa=threads   -bmaxdata:0x30000000   -O5   -qsimd   -qvecnvol   -D_ILS_MACROS   -blpdata   -btextpsize:64K 

Peak Other Flags

C benchmarks:

 -qipa=noobject   -qsuppress=1500-036 

C++ benchmarks (except as noted below):

 -qipa=noobject   -qsuppress=1500-036 
450.soplex:  -qsuppress=1500-036 

Fortran benchmarks (except as noted below):

 -qipa=noobject   -qsuppress=1500-010   -qsuppress=cmpmsg   -qsuppress=1500-036 
434.zeusmp:  -qsuppress=1500-010   -qsuppress=cmpmsg   -qsuppress=1500-036 

Benchmarks using both Fortran and C (except as noted below):

 -qipa=noobject   -qsuppress=1500-010   -qsuppress=cmpmsg   -qsuppress=1500-036 
481.wrf:  -qsuppress=1500-010   -qsuppress=cmpmsg   -qsuppress=1500-036 

The flags files that were used to format this result can be browsed at

You can also download the XML flags sources by saving the following links: