Tested by AMD
+FDO: PASS1=-Qprof_gen PASS2=-Qprof_use
+ACML is the AMD Core Math Library V2.0
ONESTEP is set for all peak runs.
ifort is the Intel Fortran compiler, icl is the Intel C++ compiler and
pgf90 is the PGI Fortran compiler.
178.galgel: -Mfixed
Baseline: C : icl -fast -arch:SSE2 -QaxW +FDO
Baseline: Fortran: pgf90 -fastsse -Mipa=fast
Peak tuning:
168.wupwise: pgf90 -fastsse -Mipa=fast -Minline=levels:2
171.swim: ifort -O3 -QxW +FDO
172.mgrid: pgf90 basepeak=yes
177.mesa: icl -Qipo -arch:SSE2 +FDO -Qunroll1 -Qansi_alias
-Qoption,f,-ip_ninl_max_stats=1500 -Qoption,f,-ip_ninl_max_total_stats=4500
178.galgel: pgf90 -fastsse -O3 RM_SOURCES=lapak.f90 -Munix +ACML
179.art: icl -Qipo -Zp4 +FDO
183.equake: icl -fast -arch:SSE2 -QaxW +FDO -Qansi_alias
187.facerec: ifort -fast -QxW +FDO
188.ammp: icl -Oa -arch:SSE2 -Zp4 -Qansi_alias
189.lucas: ifort -QxW -Qunroll1
191.fma3d: ifort -fast -QxW +FDO -Qscalar_rep-
-Qoption,f,-ip_ninl_max_stats=1000 -Qoption,f,-ip_ninl_max_total_stats=3500
200.sixtrack: pgf90 basepeak=yes
301.apsi: ifort -fast -QxW +FDO
BIOS rev. V3.0B10
High Performance Defaults set in BIOS
Memory timings manually set in BIOS: CAS=2.0, TRCD = 3, TRAS = 5, TRP = 3
Dynamic Overclocking Disabled in BIOS
Memory used is Corsair CMX512-3200LL
Memory is configured in dual channel mode