SP is from the "NPB3.3-SER" benchmark suite developed by NAS.
Ported to OpenACC by Mathew Colgrove.
Scalar Penta-diagonal solver
This performs a synthetic CFD problem by solving multiple, independent systems of non diagonally dominant, scalar, pentadiagonal equations.
The input dataset size is comprised of W, A through E classes. We have used 3 classes in our experiments.
Class A: reference data of 100 time steps, dt=0.015 and 12x12x12 grids
Class B: reference data of 400 time steps, dt=0.0015 and 64x64x64 grids
Class C: reference data of 400 time steps, dt=0.00067 and 162x162x162 grids
Class A is used by the test workload, Class B by train, and Class C by ref.
It prints out the 5x1 vector in u.